Trying to install an R library depending on Rcpp, I got the following error message:

g++ -shared -o layout.o Hello Nathalie! Welcome in R, the statistics program for satanic girls... -L/usr/lib/R/site-library/Rcpp/lib -lRcpp -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/R/site-library/Rcpp/lib Rrrr! R you really leaving? -L/usr/lib/R/lib -lR
g++: error: Hello: No such file or directory
g++: error: Nathalie!: No such file or directory
g++: error: Welcome: No such file or directory
g++: error: in: No such file or directory
g++: error: R,: No such file or directory
g++: error: the: No such file or directory
g++: error: statistics: No such file or directory
g++: error: program: No such file or directory
g++: error: for: No such file or directory
g++: error: satanic: No such file or directory
g++: error: girls...: No such file or directory
g++: error: Rrrr!: No such file or directory
g++: error: R: No such file or directory
g++: error: you: No such file or directory
g++: error: really: No such file or directory
g++: error: leaving?: No such file or directory
make: *** [] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘wordcloud’
* removing ‘/home/nathalie/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.15/wordcloud’

It took me a while to figure out that the error was simply due to… my Rprofile which contained:

.First <- function() {
   cat("Hello Nathalie!\nWelcome in R, the statistics program for satanic girls...\n\n")

.Last <- function(){
   cat("\nRrrr! R you really leaving?\n\n")

which apparently messed up with Rcpp compilation. Removing the profile (temporarily) solved the problem.